Wednesday, June 19, 2019

SCCM updatesdeplyment log's assignment ID is deployment ID, hunting for job error 0x8024000f

One day I found

Job error (0x8024000f) received for assignment ({bdd02889-257b-431c-98b3-965a16ee51d7}) action

I was wondering what the heck the assignment ID is, after googling I found assignment ID is actually deployment ID. BAH!

To find out what that is, there are two ways to do it.

1. From the SCCM console -> monitoring -> Deployments -> and search for the ID.
2. Open SCCM powershell, Get-CMDeployment -DeploymentID 

Besides, a fantastic blog about the 0x8024000f can be found here:

Also reference for the error code:

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