Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Installing Exchange 2010 - Part 4

Eventhough Microsoft does not recommand using WLB on Exchange 2010 servers, I will show you how to do it. Microsoft actually recommand using H/W load balancer such as F5.

I will assume you already have experiences on creating NLB on exchange 2003/2007 servers.

Installing WLB on CAS&HT servers.

1. Install "Network Load Balancing" feature on each CAS+HT servers.

2. Setup the NLB (in my case my nlb name is "webmail.demo.local"), exf1 and exf2 are the members, also add it to DNS.

3. set a new client access array using new-ClientAccessArray command, it will be used among outlook clients (MAPI) to connect to the exchagne 2010 servers.

4. Now associate the array with a database using set-mailboxdatabase command

Now when db1 user try to connect to exchange database using mapi protocol, they will be directed to use webmail.demo.local to connect.

Some admins may perfer using a different name for this, for example "outlook-connect" or etc.

To do that,

Add A record for the "outlook-connect", but use the same nlb cluster IP (webmail's IP in my case)

Create a new ClientAccessArray, and associate a DB with it.

Let's verify the setting.

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